Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of English Teaching Method Preferences and Learning Styles in Selected Secondary Schools of Morogoro Municipality

  • Buduri Juma Omari Muslim University of Morogoro
  • Issa Omar Malecela, PhD Muslim University of Morogoro
Keywords: Teachers’ Perceptions, Teaching Methods, Teaching Preferences, Learning Styles, Secondary Schools
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This study explored teachers’ perceptions of English teaching method preferences and learning styles in selected secondary schools of Morogoro Municipality by finding their impacts on teaching and learning styles and the challenges of matching English teaching method preferences and learning styles in secondary schools. The study used an exploratory case study design under a qualitative approach where five teachers from five selected schools consisting of four males and one female were selected purposely and voluntarily to be interviewed using semi-structured questions. The results indicate that three teaching methods are mostly preferred by teachers: learner-centred, engagement style, and multiple styles methods. These methods assist learners to achieve good performance in their studies. Moreover, the aforementioned approaches affect the teaching process as they are more effective in facilitating teachers’ tasks. However, shortage of teaching materials, English language communication barriers, shortage of classroom facilities, and students’ readiness are the challenges in implementing teaching preferences and learning styles in English classes. It is therefore recommended that English teachers should work out to improve their utilization of teaching methods and learning styles to reduce the setbacks found in this study. Additionally, curriculum developers, the Ministry of Education, and other education stakeholders may consider the findings of this study for tackling the challenges faced by English teachers in secondary schools


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2 October, 2023
How to Cite
Omari, B., & Malecela, I. (2023). Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of English Teaching Method Preferences and Learning Styles in Selected Secondary Schools of Morogoro Municipality. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(1), 259-273. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajis.6.1.1482