Factors Associated with Unmet Needs of Chronic Diseases in Kenya: Multilevel Analysis of Kenya Household Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2018

  • Peter O. Mokaya University of Pécs
  • Mohammed Elmadani University of Pécs
  • István Ágoston, PhD University of Pécs
  • Gabriella Hideg, PhD University of Pécs
Keywords: Unmet Healthcare Needs, Chronic Diseases, Household Characteristics, Gender Disparities, Health Insurance
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This study investigates the factors that contribute to unmet healthcare demands among people with chronic illnesses. The 2018 Kenya Household Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey, conducted by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, provided the extensive national sample used in this study, which provides information about the state of the healthcare system. A two-stage sample approach was used in the survey to pick 1,500 clusters and then identify twenty-five households inside each cluster, producing a total coverage of 37,500 households. This cross-sectional study looks at how factors interact in Kenya's 47 counties, both at the household and communal levels. The results highlight the significant impact of household characteristics, which account for 81% of the explanation for unmet healthcare needs, while factors at the community or county level account for 19%. These findings are consistent with macroeconomists' and health experts' viewpoints that health is a shared family asset. Interesting gender discrepancies show that women are more vulnerable than men because of their complex healthcare needs. Contrary to popular belief, married people face more difficulties getting access to healthcare. Economic status highlights the differences even more, with the poorest households facing the biggest difficulties. In line with earlier studies, access to healthcare remains a major barrier for rural inhabitants. This emphasises how urgently needed specialised healthcare treatments are in rural areas, particularly for those suffering from chronic diseases. The study shows a decrease in the likelihood of unmet healthcare needs in households with health insurance. It is particularly important to economically and socially empower the household head to invest in and prioritise healthcare needs since chronic diseases are almost a sure bet in every household, especially in the later years of an individual's life


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31 August, 2023
How to Cite
Mokaya, P., Elmadani, M., Ágoston, I., & Hideg, G. (2023). Factors Associated with Unmet Needs of Chronic Diseases in Kenya: Multilevel Analysis of Kenya Household Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2018. East African Journal of Health and Science, 6(1), 355-367. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajhs.6.1.1402