A Maintenance Framework for Sustainability of Green Buildings: A Case of Nairobi County, Kenya

  • Derick Asuza Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Stephen Diang’a, PhD Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Bernard Mugwima, PhD Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Keywords: Maintenance, Sustainability, Green Buildings, Management, Tools/Techniques, Kenya
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Stern questions have been raised concerning green buildings, a new fragment in the construction industry, particularly in Kenya where the local content is scanty in respect to their maintenance. In that case, this research was directed towards the assessment of the maintenance factors (maintenance policies, maintenance problems, maintenance management tools/techniques and maintenance strategies) and their effect on sustainability of green buildings in Nairobi County. The study was bound to a sample size of 86 registered green building practitioners and 25 LEED-certified buildings in the County. The response rate of the survey was 53% and a quantitative approach was employed in data analysis. The study results revealed that, maintenance strategy (an independent variable) lacked a significant relationship with the dependent variable and therefore, it was removed from the logit model. The overall logit model indicates that, sustainability of green buildings has higher odds when maintenance problems are properly managed (odds of 1.44), comprehensive maintenance policies are existing (odds of 3.72) and appropriate maintenance management tools/techniques are used (odds of 2.89) while keeping all other factors constant. Consequently, the study recommends a framework to facilitate efficient work execution by maintenance personnel in green buildings. From an academic viewpoint, the study results present more information to the available body of knowledge in the field of maintenance of green buildings.


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12 April, 2022
How to Cite
Asuza, D., Diang’a, S., & Mugwima, B. (2022). A Maintenance Framework for Sustainability of Green Buildings: A Case of Nairobi County, Kenya. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 5(1), 127-133. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.5.1.607