Intricacies for Gender Equality in Formal and Informal Structures through Governance Enhancement; a Kenyan Perspective

  • Bessy Eva Kathambi University of Nairobi
  • Linda Maryanne Obiero University of Nairobi
Keywords: Gender Equality, Governance Enhancement, Governance Instruments, Kenya
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The misconceptions and ideology misconstrue of gender equality as constituting women empowerment programs have hampered the accurate intent that gender equality stands for in formal and informal governance structures. The resistance to gender equality elucidates the gaps that exist in governance instruments over the last decades. The governance instruments’ deficiencies in supporting gender equality in all sectors highlight the intricacies that could be addressed when these instruments are enhanced. The study aimed at focusing on the governance instruments of policy and regulations, organization structures, and feedback mechanisms that capture the inadequacies in upholding gender equality. Much focus has been placed on the obstacles to gender equality but few studies have been undertaken on the scope of governance enhancement whose impacts are highlighted by the formal and informal structures. The study was conducted through a systematic literature review of relevant articles on governance instruments and gender equality and adopting the Prisma model of systematic literature review. Through the reviewed literature, data indicated the gaps that exist in knowledge, attitude, and practice in top management office holders in implementing gender equality policies. Further findings indicate the misconception of gender equality for women empowerment programs as opposed to it being a key tenet in enhancing governance. Governance structure imbalances further impacted gender equality and equity aimed at enhancing equilibrium in various national and county policies and laws. Governance instruments when structured to support gender equality can bring sustainable development noted in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 5. The intricacies between governance enhancement and gender equality serve a symbiotic relationship and the outcomes adopt a sustainable outlook. Investment in governance enhancement will provide a basis for change in knowledge, attitude, and practice across the board and further increase ownership and cohesion for gender equality.


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14 September, 2022
How to Cite
Kathambi, B., & Obiero, L. (2022). Intricacies for Gender Equality in Formal and Informal Structures through Governance Enhancement; a Kenyan Perspective. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 5(2), 30-44.