Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia: Reflecting on Diversity and Ethnic Identity

  • Kshipra Vasudeo Jawaharlal Nehru University
Keywords: Ethiopia, Africa, Ethnic Federalism, Identity
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Ethiopia formed an ethnic federal system in 1991, which recognized ethnic autonomy entirely while ensuring the country’s unity. The new Constitution established a federal structure focused primarily on ethnic territorial units. The constitution ambitions to achieve ethnic freedom and equality by maintaining the state. Ethiopian politics has shifted to a federal liberal and plural system since the military dictatorship ended, as ethnic groups sought to exist under a federal structure that could preserve the country’s stability and diversity. The federal arrangement is noteworthy because its Constitution allows for the inheritance of every ethnic group. It supports an ethicised federal state with a secession mechanism and allows political parties to unite along ethnic lines. It is a worthwhile case study because it is an exception to the general trend in Africa. This paper examines how ethnic Federalism is a vital part of the Ethiopian Constitution and gives ethnic autonomy and identity in Ethiopian politics. Theoretical understanding of Federalism and ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia.


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10 September, 2021
How to Cite
Vasudeo, K. (2021). Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia: Reflecting on Diversity and Ethnic Identity. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 3(1), 147-155.