The Synthesis of “Ujamaaism” of Nyerere and Habermas’ Critical Social Theory

  • Apiov Simon Lwiwa Jordan University College
  • George Ndemo, PhD Jordan University College
  • Dynesius Nyangau, PhD Jordan University College
Keywords: Nyerere, “Ujamaaism”, Synthesis, Habermas, Critical Social Theory
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The main aim of this paper was to demonstrate the synthesis of “Ujamaaism” of Nyerere and Habermas’s critical social theory. However, the study used critical and analytical methods. “Ujamaaism” is a new term coined by the author to explain the socialist theory of Nyerere. The study found that critical social theory elements were in a good position to correct the “Ujamaaism” of Nyerere to be a more useful theory because it failed to realise its expectations. It follows that the critical social theory of Habermas was in a good position to have the best correction for reinstating “Ujamaaism” praxis in Tanzania because of its nature of critical consciousness, critical reflection, enlightenment, autonomy as well as emancipation, which help human being to come out from all social restrictions and conditionalities that hinder them from reaching self-awareness. These values were not much reflected by Nyerere, as a result, the study aimed to re-create the “Ujamaaism” of Nyerere


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15 February, 2023
How to Cite
Lwiwa, A., Ndemo, G., & Nyangau, D. (2023). The Synthesis of “Ujamaaism” of Nyerere and Habermas’ Critical Social Theory. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 6(1), 86-105.