Factors Determining Small-Scale Farmers’ Adoption of Climate Adaptation Methods in Jubek State, South Sudan

  • Diana Achuk Kenyatta University
  • James Koske, PhD Kenyatta University
  • Gladys Gathuru, PhD Kenyatta University
Keywords: Adaptation, Small-Scale Farmers, Climate Variability
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Agricultural production in South Sudan has experienced climate variability, the erratic occurrence of climate phenomena affects land use through frequent drought and flooding hence needs climate adaptations. There is less information about factors determining farmers adopting climate change adaptations in South Sudan. Therefore, the current research aimed at exploring factors that influence the adaptation measures taken by farmers for Jubek State in South Sudan. The study adopted a stratified sampling method to identify areas and respondents that questionnaires were administered for data collection and there were 395 farmers who were sampled systematically during the research study. The data collected were entered and coded, then statistically analysed using a logistic regression model to analyse determinants to adopting climate adaptations. The study found that gender, marital status, code of employment, size of the household, and size of the farm were significantly influencing adoption of climate changes adaptations (p< 0.05). The farmers practice of farming activities in respect to the adaptation methods used had a probability of increasing the number of climate adoption for higher crop yield. It was concluded that prescribed policies need to incorporate socio-economic factors to provide valuable and efficient climate adaptation methods


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16 March, 2022
How to Cite
Achuk, D., Koske, J., & Gathuru, G. (2022). Factors Determining Small-Scale Farmers’ Adoption of Climate Adaptation Methods in Jubek State, South Sudan. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 5(1), 30-40. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajab.5.1.581