Effect of Mixing Ratio of Super Absorbent Materials on the Growth and Yield of Bell Pepper in the Ferric Luvisols of Mogotio, Kenya

  • Fridah Muriithi Egerton University
  • J. Onyando Egerton University
  • R. O. Okwany Egerton University
Keywords: Crop Growth, Pumice, Super Absorbent Polymer, Soil Additives, Soil Properties, Yield
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Agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions (ASALs) faces challenges due to limited water and problematic soils. This study investigates the potential of superabsorbent materials like Super Absorbent Polymers (SAPs) and pumice to enhance water retention and agricultural productivity in Ngubreti in Mogotio Sub-County, Kenya, representing ASALs. Using a randomized design with different material ratios and a control group, the research analysed soil parameters and plant growth indicators. Incorporating superabsorbent materials increased soil porosity, reduced bulk density, and improved water retention. Bell pepper production notably increased by 53.4%, with the SAP Pumice Double Half (SPDH) treatment showing the highest yield. This research underscores superabsorbent materials' ability to enhance ASAL soil conditions and agricultural output, particularly SPDH treatment. Precise material concentration control and consideration of their impact on soil penetration rates are crucial for optimal results. The study contributes to sustainable agriculture in water-scarce regions, emphasizing soil management's role in crop productivity. Further research and region-specific experiments are needed for broader applicability. Farmers are advised to assess their soil characteristics and consider a recommended median soil-additives mixing ratio of 1:833. Long-term effectiveness warrants additional investigation


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23 April, 2024
How to Cite
Muriithi, F., Onyando, J., & Okwany, R. (2024). Effect of Mixing Ratio of Super Absorbent Materials on the Growth and Yield of Bell Pepper in the Ferric Luvisols of Mogotio, Kenya. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 7(1), 204-215. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajab.7.1.1885