Influence of Dykes’ Characteristics on Food Crop Production in Lower River Nyando Basin, Kenya

  • Berryl Atieno Ojung’a Maseno University
  • Irene Nzisa Mutavi, PhD Maseno University
  • Denis Masika, PhD Maseno University


Dykes minimise flood risks among riparian communities. In Nyando basin, Kenya, dykes were constructed to minimise flood impacts on human activities in the riparian plains. The dyke characteristics could change the rate of silting. In spite of these dynamics, some farmers now use fertilisers as a new way of coping with nutrient deficiency. Several researches have been done in Kenya on the effects of floods on human activities; however, there is no clear link between dyke characteristics like period of existence, length and height and their influence on food crop production. The dykes in Nyando have reduced floods in the region; however, it is not clearly understood how the dyke characteristics influence the food crop. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the influence of dyke characteristics on food crop production. Planning Theory was used. Descriptive cross-sectional research design applied. The target population stood at 34,460 households. At least 384 Household heads were recruited via simple random sampling and a questionnaire administered, while purposive sampling was useful in identifying relevant experts in the field of study. Primary data was obtained by interviewing key informants and focused group discussions. Other tools include observation and photography. Secondary data was obtained from publications and print media, and SPSS was utilised in data analysis. Qualitative data was analysed by coding and organisation of data into themes and sub-themes where generalisation was made. The results from the multiple coefficients of determination (R2) indicated that 45.4% (R2 = .454, p = .039) of the variation in the general crop yield was explainable by the combined change in Dyke Characteristics. The dykes’ characteristics significantly influenced crop production




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15 September, 2023