Communities’ Perceptions Toward Agricultural Projects in Kishapu District, Tanzania

  • Abia Jason Shinyanga Sokoine University of Agriculture
  • Emmanuel Timothy Malisa Sokoine University of Agriculture
  • Angela Jesse Sokoine University of Agriculture
Keywords: Community, Perception, Agriculture, Project
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Perception towards development projects being introduced or implemented in an area tends to differ among community members, with some projects being perceived negatively and others positively. Understanding local communities’ perceptions towards agricultural projects and factors that influence these perceptions is important because the perception of a project has a bearing on participation in the same. However, more often than not, local communities’ perceptions do not receive as much attention as they deserve. This study surveyed the communities’ perceptions toward agricultural projects in Kishapu District. Data were collected from 100 respondents through a questionnaire survey and from 6 participants through key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression model and content analysis were employed for data analysis. Results show that most of the respondents had a positive perception toward agricultural projects because the projects contribute to community development. Drivers of positive community perception are involvement in previous agricultural projects, education, access to information and farm size. Therefore, community perception toward agricultural projects hinges on the extent to which similar projects have benefited the community in the past. Thus, to achieve positive community perceptions towards agricultural projects, there is a need for project implementers to ensure that projects improve people’s living standards. Moreover, there is a need to ensure community members are well informed of the projects regardless of their literacy level and that innovative practices to benefit farmers regardless of their farm sizes are promoted


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14 September, 2023
How to Cite
Shinyanga, A., Malisa, E., & Jesse, A. (2023). Communities’ Perceptions Toward Agricultural Projects in Kishapu District, Tanzania. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 6(1), 295-305.