Effects of Climate Change on Poultry Production in Ebonyi State, Nigeria

  • Jane Munonye Alex Ekwueme Federal University
  • Kingley Agu Alex Ekwueme Federal University
  • Arthur C. Esiegwu Imo State University
  • Gabriel Daniel Agou Alex Ekwueme Federal University
Keywords: Climate, Poultry, Change, Production, effects
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Three agricultural zones of Ebonyi State, Nigeria, were considered for this study. Using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) to establish the relationship between the variables and how one independent variable influences the dependent variables. The study aimed at examining the effects of climate change on poultry production. The study's primary objectives were to assess the socioeconomic characteristics of poultry farmers, ascertain the extent of climate awareness, determine the effect of climate change on poultry production, determine climate change adaptation strategies for coping with it, and identify the constraints encountered in poultry production. Four local government areas in the state of Ebonyi were the locations of data collection from September to October 2021. A multistage sampling procedure was used for the collection of respondents. The study found that 56.9% of the respondents were female, 42.2% were in their active age 30 to 40, 54.9% had a Bachelor’s degree, 64.7% had spent more than years of farming experience, and 29.4% were managers of their poultry production. Farm size had little effect on poultry production; climate change had an effect on feed consumption and has caused the spread of pests and diseases and the death of young ones. According to the study's findings, the respondents were in agreement that changing to intensive livestock management and collecting runoff water in ditches during periods of drought constituted adaptation to climate change. It was determined that climate change had an enormous and negative effect on poultry production through insect infestation and disease outbreak. Therefore, relevant Nigerian government agencies should offer financial assistance to poultry farmers along with adaptation training.


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12 June, 2023
How to Cite
Munonye, J., Agu, K., Esiegwu, A., & Agou, G. (2023). Effects of Climate Change on Poultry Production in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 6(1), 188-200. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajab.6.1.1248