Knowledge, Attitude and the Practice of Climate-Smart Agriculture among Smallholder Farmers in Isingiro District, South Western Uganda

  • Christine Aturihaihi Bishop Stuart University
  • Wycliffe Tumwesigye Bishop Stuart University
  • Fina Opio Bishop Stuart University
  • Geoffrey Akiiki Beyihayo Gulu University
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Climate-Smart Agriculture
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Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) can sustainably increase productivity, improve resilience, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from agricultural systems. The current study aimed to establish the existing knowledge, attitude, and practice of CSA among smallholder farmers in the Isingiro District. An exploratory survey was conducted to collect data from 126 farmers randomly selected from three Sub counties. Key informant interviews were conducted with three extension workers for more information. Data was analysed using Stata 14 to generate summary tables and the Chi-square test of independence. The results revealed a high level of knowledge about CSA among the farmers, with intercropping and crop rotation as the most popular (99%) whereas rainwater harvesting was least known (71.4%). Farmers’ knowledge about CSA was significantly related to different sources of information and knowledge (P<0.05). Farmers showed a positive attitude towards the use of CSA practices except for inorganic fertilisers with 45%. The dominantly used CSA practices were Intercropping (85.7%), mulching (75.4%) and the use of contour bunds (74.6%). Several limitations that hindered the adoption of CSA practices included limited finances, extension services, availability of CSA inputs, high prices of CSA inputs, price fluctuations and land scarcity, among others. The farmers’ awareness, attitude and practice of CSA were mainly shaped by their local knowledge with limited influence of technical knowledge. Furthermore, the practice of CSA among smallholder farmers is hampered by many limitations. Therefore, there is a need for policymakers to prioritise and enact pro-CSA-relevant policies that address the barriers hampering its adoption


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30 March, 2023
How to Cite
Aturihaihi, C., Tumwesigye, W., Opio, F., & Beyihayo, G. (2023). Knowledge, Attitude and the Practice of Climate-Smart Agriculture among Smallholder Farmers in Isingiro District, South Western Uganda. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 6(1), 82-97.