Factors influencing Community Participation in Planning and Implementing Agricultural Development Projects: A Case of the Matongoro Cattle auction project in Kongwa district, Tanzania

  • Geofrey Kamugisha Fredrick Sokoine University of Agriculture
  • Athman Kyaruzi Ahmad, PhD Sokoine University of Agriculture
Keywords: Participation, Development, Levels, Community Participation, Project, Ownership, Sustainability
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In Tanzania, different community development projects in various sectors including the agriculture sector have been formulated and implemented following a bottom-up approach. However, in many cases, the impact of such projects has not been significant due to various reasons including poor participation of the targeted population in the process. This study intended to investigate the factors influencing community participation and its levels using the case of the Matongoro cattle auction project. Data were collected from a sample of 150 respondents using respondent questionnaires, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. Descriptive statistics, which generated percentages and frequencies and a binary logistic regression model were used for data analysis. Study findings show that the dominant narrative on the bottom- approach to enhancing participation; nearly 90% of respondents indicated a low level of participation. The critical factors which were found to significantly influence community participation projects at p>0.05 were income level, number of cattle owned, age, awareness, experience, and sex. The study recommends that the government should design ways to increase local community participation throughout conceptualisation, formulation, and implementation to ensure the success and sustainability of these agricultural projects.


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15 March, 2023
How to Cite
Fredrick, G., & Ahmad, A. (2023). Factors influencing Community Participation in Planning and Implementing Agricultural Development Projects: A Case of the Matongoro Cattle auction project in Kongwa district, Tanzania. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 6(1), 67-81. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajab.6.1.1132