International Journal of Geopolitics and Governance 2024-05-27T09:30:22+00:00 Prof. Jack Simons Open Journal Systems <p>The intricacy and complexity of global politics and governance require the constant keeping of track of global policies, strategies, events and figures. This allows for sound and informed decision-making processes and the general advancement of humanity towards the positive terminals of human governance. This is an open access international journal that is maintained by the East African Nature and Science Organization as one of the hosted journals focusing on academic peer-reviewed articles in politics and governance.</p> Factors Influencing Recentralization of Local Government Functions in Uganda 2024-01-12T09:08:04+00:00 Stephen Biryomumeisho Johnson Ocan, PhD Francis Akena Adyanga, PhD <p>The decentralisation system of governance is perceived as one of the recent public sector reforms to improve service delivery in Uganda. It is the transfer of authority from Central to Local Governments to execute their duties to improve service delivery. Various developing countries have praised Uganda’s decentralisation policy regarding the magnitude of the transfer of authority to the local level. However, since 2003, the Central Government started reversing the policy in terms of :&nbsp; recentralization of the appointment of Chief Administrative Officers and Municipal Town Clerks and of recent City Town Clerks (for new cities in Uganda) from the District Service Commissions (DSCs) to the Public Service Commission, &nbsp;recentralization of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) under the management of the Executive Director, Procurement of drugs from the district health office to the National Medical Stores (NMS), recentralization of&nbsp; the payroll and the recent recentralization of local revenue&nbsp; collection from LGs. &nbsp;This paper focuses on the factors influencing the recentralization of Local Government powers in Uganda. This is presumed to be evidence of the demise of decentralisation policy. From the reviewed articles, these factors include: accountability challenges, human resource management crisis, political interference by local authorities and lack of financial discipline among local authorities and fear of local autonomy. The paper concluded that recentralisation of Local Government functions reduced undue influence of local politicians though it accorded excessive powers to executive officers in Local Governments; human resource crisis was mainly caused by poor man power planning. Recentralisation of local revenue caused financial constraints at the local level and recentralisation of KCCA led to the weakening of the opposition but led to increases resources to develop the capital city. The paper recommended that the Parliament should harmonise with the central government on the issue of returning Local revenue collection and management at the local level; give reasonable powers to the local Governments to control top technical leadership; increase funding to Central Government staff to monitor Local Government programs and build the capacity of local leaders to improve service delivery</p> 2024-01-12T09:06:38+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Somalia's New Horizon: Joining the East African Community (EAC) 2024-01-31T10:00:55+00:00 Mohamed Hassan Mohamed <p>Somalia's recent participation in the EAC brings forth transformative opportunities and challenges across various sectors. This report delves into EAC integration, focusing on Somalia's opportunities and challenges, along with policy implications. It emphasizes the importance of comprehending Somalia's dynamic integration into the EAC for informed decision-making and strategic planning. As a member of the EAC Customs Union, Somalia gains access to a larger market, stimulating economic growth and fostering cross-border collaborations. The removal of trade barriers and participation in collaborative ventures offer resilience and connectivity to the global economy. The EAC Common Market reinforces fairness, equity, and cooperation, ensuring Somalia's equal treatment, transparency, and active engagement. Participation in the EAC Monetary Union addresses economic challenges, including dollarization and counterfeit currencies, and will promote economic stability. Somalia's involvement in the Political Federation provides support for lasting peace and recovery from years of conflict. Despite these advantages, challenges arise, including aligning regulations, adapting to increased competition, and navigating the complexities of regional cooperation. The economic landscape of Somalia is rapidly evolving, with notable achievements such as the UN Security Council's decision to end the arms embargo after three decades. Moreover, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recognizes Somalia's strong implementation of wide-ranging reforms, strengthening key economic and financial policy institutions. This progress positions Somalia for potential debt relief at the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Completion Point in December 2023. These milestones underscore Somalia's commitment to economic development, international trade, and the defeat of terrorism. The Political Federation in EAC brings both opportunities and challenges, requiring Somalia to balance national priorities with regional integration efforts, harmonize governance practices, and ensure political stability</p> 2024-01-31T09:58:04+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rethinking the Influence of Agenda Setting Theory: An Assessment of the Influence of Agenda Setting Theory in the Voting Decisions during the 2020 General Election in Tanzania 2024-02-05T11:50:14+00:00 Cezalia Buyanza-Mwidima <p>The purpose of this research was to evaluate the agenda setting theory’s ability to affect and impact voters voting decisions during the 2020 Presidential election in Tanzania. The research specifically aimed to ascertain the agenda setting theory’s dominance on the voting decisions in comparison to other dominant third party factors such as prior knowledge, political affiliations and emotions amongst prospective voters. The research used FGD to collect the qualitative data while a survey procedure was used to gather the quantitative data. A total of five FGD were conducted which comprised of between six to nine informants whereas 478 questionnaires were successful returned and used in the analysis. A purposive sampling procedure was used to identify and select participants for the FGD whereas a simple random sampling technique was used for the survey. The participants for both FGD and survey were gotten from the Voter’s Registration Books (VRB) from each wards. The data collection was conducted between December 2020 and January 2021 in the five wards of Nyamagana district in Mwanza, Tanzania. After data collection, the data were coded and cleaned using the Scientific Package for Social Solutions (SPSS) version 20 before analysis. The frequency count, tables, descriptions, explanations, and simple percentage were used to present the research findings. The findings show that Agenda Setting Theory has slightly lost its power, it has been superseded by pre-existing knowledge (52%) and political party affiliations (27%).</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Factors Influencing Voting Decisions: Comprehensive Study in Badhan, Eyl, and Qardho Districts of Puntland State of Somalia 2024-05-27T09:30:22+00:00 Mohamud Isse Yusuf <p>This study assessed the factors influencing voting decisions in the Puntland state of Somalia. A quantitative research approach was used in this study. The study was guided by three objectives, which included, a) To find out factors influencing voting decisions in Puntland democratic elections, b) To assess the role of clan elders in the voting decisions in Puntland democratic elections, and c) To assess if there are significant relationships between money and voting decisions in Puntland democratic elections. A detailed literature review and a standardized questionnaire were used in data collection. The study contacted 382 respondents who consisted of registered voters in the Qardho, Badhan, and Eyl districts, the data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study assesses different variables to determine the factors affecting voting decisions including personality traits, political ideology, tribe, media, political parties, and candidate characteristics. A significant majority of respondents (88.48%), acknowledged that a candidate’s personality traits played a role in influencing their voting decision. Similarly, when queried about the role of political ideology in their voting decisions, most respondents (88.40%) agreed. Regarding the influence of tribal affiliations on voting decisions, a considerable proportion of respondents (72.51%) admitted that tribe played a significant role. Respondents were also asked about the involvement of clan elders in directing their voting choices, with a noteworthy 88.74% stating that their clan elders did not instruct them to support a specific political party. Furthermore, all respondents (100%) affirmed that they had not accepted money in exchange for their votes. This suggests that financial factors did not directly influence the voting decisions of respondents. However, a majority (60.99%) reported that they had either witnessed or heard of instances where money was exchanged for votes during elections in Puntland. This indicates that while respondents themselves were not personally affected by vote buying, they were aware of its prevalence in the electoral process. The study recommends that transparency in political funding, strengthening independency media, enhancing civil engagement, combating vote buying, and promoting inclusivity and diversity are necessary for shaping the democratic process in Puntland as well as improving voting decisions</p> 2024-05-27T09:28:44+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##