Factors Affecting Weights and Measures Officers in Revenue Collection: A Case of Weights and Measures Agency in Dar es Salaam

  • Happy Titi Jordan University College
Keywords: Weights and Measures Agency
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This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting weights and measures officers (WMO) in revenue collection, a case at Dar es Salaam. The study employed a cross-sectional research design, whereas a sample size of 63 respondents that, include 59 WMO and 4 RM of WMA from Dar es Salaam were involved. A simple random sampling technique was used in the selection of WMO, and a purposive sampling technique was used in the selection of the regional managers (RM) of four administrative regions. Questionnaires, interviews, and documentary reviews were used for data collection. The collected quantitative data were analysed by using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data were analysed by using thematic analysis. The study found that lack of regular training on revenue collection, the existence of fraud, shortage of WMO and shortage of budget hinder their revenue collection at WMA. The study recommends that WMA should improve the provision environments of the service delivery to satisfy its customers. WMA needs to train its WMO in customer services, customer satisfaction and professional skills, WMA should look for sustainable and definite sources of revenue to generate funds for its budget, and WMA should put in place human resource policies, such as recognition policy and rewards, and training policy to enhance professional excellence and motivation of WMO to be results oriented


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1 November, 2022
How to Cite
Titi, H. (2022). Factors Affecting Weights and Measures Officers in Revenue Collection: A Case of Weights and Measures Agency in Dar es Salaam. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 1(1), 39-46. https://doi.org/10.37284/ijfa.1.1.919