The Role of Assessment in Mathematics Classrooms: A Review

  • Mbuthia Ngunjiri, PhD Laikipia University
Keywords: Assessment, Evaluation, Measurements, Test
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This paper tries to understand the role of assessment in bringing changes in students’ mathematics performance. Quality assessment is a key factor in improving the learning of mathematics. The relationship between learning and assessment is strong and robust. Students learn more in classes where assessment is an integral part of instruction than in those that are not, and brief frequent assessments that provide immediate feedback about learning progress that are more effective than one summative test. Therefore, mathematics teachers should be aware of the roles of assessment, different methods of assessing learners, and the effective assessment practices.


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14 October, 2022
How to Cite
Ngunjiri, M. (2022). The Role of Assessment in Mathematics Classrooms: A Review. International Journal of Advanced Research, 5(1), 156-160.