Assessment of the Combination of Different Measures of Biochar and Cow Dung on Cucumber Morphological Parameters in Glo-Djigbé, Benin

  • Alda Aude Sèna Yêmadjè National University of Science, Technology
Keywords: Glo-Djigbé, Cucumber, Biochar, Cow dung, Chemical, Fertiliser
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This research aims to determine the best combination of cow dung and biochar dosages that will enable good cucumber production under the ecological conditions of the Glo-Djigbé district. This will make it possible to satisfy the growing needs of the urban population for organic crops and so reduce the use of chemical products that are harmful to the environment and the health of consumers. To carry out this research, a randomised complete Fisher block design was fixed in the experimental stage with four (04) treatments and three (03) replications; corresponding to 12 plot units, each with a surface area of 6 m² including ten patches spaced 0.8 m apart from their centre. The treatments applied per plot are: T0 (no fertilizer input), T1 (50% biochar + 50% cow dung), T2 (75% biochar + 25% cow dung), T3 (25% biochar + 75% cow dung). The collected data were analysed with Excel 2010 spreadsheet and the Statistics software. The results show that the treatments having received fertiliser were the most successful in terms of all the highlighted parameters (length, girth, number, weight of harvested fruits and yield). The best results are obtained with treatment T1 (50% Biochar + 50% cow dung). This mixture was very favourable for cucumber production and could be substituted for chemical fertilisers for organic and ecologically profitable cucumber production


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13 October, 2022
How to Cite
Yêmadjè, A. (2022). Assessment of the Combination of Different Measures of Biochar and Cow Dung on Cucumber Morphological Parameters in Glo-Djigbé, Benin. International Journal of Advanced Research, 5(1), 145-155.