An Assessment of Wild Fauna Species Richness and Tourism Opportunities of Monduli Mountains Forest Reserve in Monduli District-Northern Highlands of Tanzania

  • Canisius John Kayombo, PhD Forestry Training Institute-Olmotonyi
  • Godlisten Eden Koka TFS-Monduli District
  • Nelson Cuthbert Mushi TFS-Monduli District
  • Victor Sylvester Kaaya Forestry Training Institute-Olmotonyi
Keywords: Wild Fauna, Tourism, Opportunities, Tourism Trails, Monduli Mountains, Forest Reserve
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An assessment of fauna species richness and tourism opportunities was conducted at Monduli Mountains Forest Reserve (MMFR) in January 2022. Six (6) clusters, were established on which 10 stops were established at an interval of 1000m (1km) to listen to wildlife for 10 – 30 minutes. The fauna species including insects, birds, and mammals were identified through observation (seing a fauna, foot prints, feathers or skin, and skull (s), bone (s), dung (s), nest(s)), hearing voices, and information from local stakeholders, and the historical presence of wild fauna as indicated in office reports and events. Also, the opportunities or attractions that can be marketed such as valleys, viewpoints, spurs, mountains ridge tops, steep slopes, areas attractive for campsites and picnic sites were documented. Likewise, tourists foot trails were proposed. In this survey a total of 142 fauna species were identified at MMFR. Out of those, 93 were birds, 37 (insects), and mammals were 12. The identified opportunities play a great role as attractions that can be marketed to earn financial income for the local community and the nation as a whole, and hence sustaining the ecological ecosystem. The proposed tourist’s foot trail were; Kisima cha maji, Shimo la tembo, Big game safaris, Musa, Mwandeti, and Enguiki. MMFR is an underlying site for wildlife and tourism centre that has never been explored well yet. It is recommended that: upgrade the forest reserve into nature reserve, education to local community on tourism intervention, and campsites establishment.


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21 March, 2022
How to Cite
Kayombo, C., Koka, G., Mushi, N., & Kaaya, V. (2022). An Assessment of Wild Fauna Species Richness and Tourism Opportunities of Monduli Mountains Forest Reserve in Monduli District-Northern Highlands of Tanzania. International Journal of Advanced Research, 5(1), 30-48.