Motivation and Retention of Workers in Faith-based Organisations: A Case Study of Child Development Centre Projects of Ankole Diocese

  • Kusasira Serinah Tinka Bishop Stuart University
  • Gershom Atukunda, PhD Bishop Stuart University
  • Johnson Atwine, PhD Bishop Stuart University
Keywords: Motivation, Retention, Promotion, Salary Increment, Recognition, Employee
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The study was about motivation and retention of workers in faith-based organisations: a case study of child development centre projects of Ankole Diocese. It was guided by the following objectives; to establish the influence of promotion on employee retention in faith-based organizations of Ankole Diocese Child Development Centre Projects, to examine the influence of Salary increment on employee retention in faith-based organizations of Ankole Diocese Child Development Centre Projects in  reducing employee turnover and to establish the effect of recognition on employee retention in faith-based organizations  in  Ankole Diocese Child Development Centre Projects. A cross-section design was adopted for this study to determine the frequency of occurrences of the phenomenon and discover whether or not if there is a relationship that exists between the variables. The target population of this study comprised Child development officers, Project directors, Project overseers, Partnership facilitators, LDP graduates, and Centre guides of Ankole Diocese. The study employed questionnaire and interviewing. The study findings revealed that there is a positive strong relationship between promotions on employee retention; there is a positive strong relationship between salary increment influences employee retention; a positive relationship between recognition and employee retention in faith-based organisations. Therefore; the study recommended that employee promotion does play a very significant role in retaining employees at work places; the human resource management department should carry out its career management policy and make relevant changes so as to take into considerations the many factors that individuals may require at the Ankole Diocese Child Development Centre Project. Finally; there should be good management in faith-based organizations with the human resource department so as to ensure that the working conditions specifically in line with working hours, cleanliness of environment and work instruments are put in place


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30 April, 2022
How to Cite
Tinka, K., Atukunda, G., & Atwine, J. (2022). Motivation and Retention of Workers in Faith-based Organisations: A Case Study of Child Development Centre Projects of Ankole Diocese. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 5(1), 41-50.