‘Fill the Earth and subdue it…Have Dominion’ Gen.1:28: Environmental Violence and the Theology of Ecology

  • Paddy Musana Makerere University
Keywords: Subduing, Dominating, Pre-Set Principles, Human Inventions, Reflection
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The world today, never as ever before, stands at the gates of human-instigated destruction. In living to our divine mandate of subduing and dominating the earth, as enshrined in the Bible text (Gen.1:28), we have overstepped all the principles that would grant self-regeneration of the universe. Through individualistic and nationalistic interests, humans have set out on an exploitative undertaking of the natural resources without limit and consideration. The intricate universe with its pre-set principles groans under the weight of unregulated degradation through human ‘inventions’ and manipulations. The reality of climate change and the call for mitigation measures is met with denial and derision especially by individuals who are set to exploiting resources to the extreme. Given the reality of overexploitation and destruction, there is need for reflection. This should be a reflection based on the interpretation and implications of the human mandates as stated in the text quoted above. Such a reflection is guided by seeing the universe as a gift of the Creator to His subjects who should use and maintain resources in a manner that reflects responsibility. The purpose of this article is a call to critical reflection on the need of religious institutions, using their scriptures and doctrines, to actively participate in environmental protection and climate change mitigation measures.


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Berry RJ, God and Evolution, (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1988), 156-158.

The traditional Luganda (a Bantu language spoken by majority of the indigenous people from central Uganda-Buganda) name of the lake is derived from ‘Mother’ of ‘Balubaale’ (divinities) since it is believed that the divinities in Buganda have their origins (birthplace) in Buvuma, formerly an island (now a name of the district) on L. Victoria.

Stott, John R.W. The Message of Romans (Leicester, Inter-varsity Press, 1994), 71-79.

https://www.biblestudytools.com › hebrew › kjv › kabash


Okonski, Kendra (Ed), ADAPT or DIE: The Science, Politics and Economics of Climate Change, (London: Profile Books Ltd).77

https://www.statista.com/statistics/271748/the-largest-emitters-of-co2-in-the-world/ accessed 20-05-2018

Waithaka, Michael, East African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive analysis, (Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2013), 32-33 (Waithaka)

A.J. Hover article in The Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Walter Elwell (ed), Grand Rapids, Michigan: Paternoster, 1984) 449

Okonski, ADAPT or DIE: The Science, Politics and Economics of Climate Change, p.204

Climate Change and Its Implications: Which Way Now? (London, UK: Commonwealth Foundation, 2007)14

Okonski, ADAPT or DIE: The Science, Politics and Economics of Climate Change. p.207

Godrej, Dinyar, The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change, (Oxford: New Internationalist Publ. Ltd, 2007) 90

The Climate of Poverty, (Christian Aid, May 2006) 3

12 April, 2022
How to Cite
Musana, P. (2022). ‘Fill the Earth and subdue it…Have Dominion’ Gen.1:28: Environmental Violence and the Theology of Ecology. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 5(2), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajtcr.5.2.610