Deconstruction as a Functional Tool in Decolonizing Nigerian Educational System: A Biblical Response

  • Osbert Uyovwieyovwe Isiorhovoja, PhD Delta State University
Sambaza Makala:


The paper examines the role of deconstruction in the Nigerian educational system vis-à-vis its functionality to the growing needs and challenges be devilling the nation. Arguably, the content of the system has been commonly viewed sometimes as dysfunctional, tilted toward the needs of the colonial agenda. This phenomenon did only leave the endeavour handicapped but also totally reliant on foreign ideology; a system that estranged the people. The paper adopts hermeneutical, historical, and critical approaches to the phenomenon. From a biblical perspective, while searching for relevance, there has been the need to decolonize certain aspects which otherwise have alienated the people, with the aim of targeting functionality and acceptability among Africans. The need to contextualize a foreign curriculum that will bring about a total overhauling of the system to achieve a vibrant curriculum remains a necessity in order to service the needs of the people. As in the decolonisation exercise among biblical scholars, chances are that we can achieve a great feat in our nation’s education sector. It concludes by resounding that the present educational system is deconstructed with the aim of removing dysfunctional elements; with full integration of a rich indigenous knowledge base that serves the people’s uniqueness amidst conflicting curriculum, the government should be proud to introduce into the educational system a fresh idea that meets the needs as posited by biblical scholars.


Bado hatuna takwimu za upakuaji.


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Tarehe ya Uchapishaji
4 October, 2021
Jinsi ya Kunukuu
Isiorhovoja, O. (2021). Deconstruction as a Functional Tool in Decolonizing Nigerian Educational System: A Biblical Response. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 3(2), 79-89.