Ethical Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Practice in Three Traditions

  • Joseph Situma, PhD University of Nairobi
  • Stephen Ifedha Akaranga, PhD University of Nairobi
Keywords: Entrepreneurial, Practice, Tradition, Social Good, Virtues, Moral Violation
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Entrepreneurs are a category of agents who are found in all human societies and their significance has been variously assessed. Although they are a universal phenomenon, their repertoire of activities, thoughts, motivations and emotions appear to be tradition-specific. This paper considers entrepreneurial practice in the liberal, libertarian, and communitarian traditions. The first objective is to determine if the primary ethical dimensions of entrepreneurial practice are structured by tradition. The second objective is to evaluate the status of entrepreneurial practice in the three traditions vis-à-vis common good. The paper uses the conceptual framework of tradition and its allied concepts of practice and narrative. It concludes that although the primary ethical dimensions of entrepreneurial practice arise from a tradition, novel entrepreneurial practices depart from tradition-set norms. It also concludes that entrepreneurial practices can and do violate the common good—more so in the liberal and libertarian tradition  


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9 April, 2021
How to Cite
Situma, J., & Akaranga, S. (2021). Ethical Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Practice in Three Traditions. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 3(1), 23-34.