Rethinking Religion and Sustainable Development in Africa

  • Prisca A Gobo, PhD University of Port Harcourt
Keywords: Rethinking, Religion, Development, Africa
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This article suggests religion as a viable option for sustainable development in Africa. The focus will be on the three major religions in Africa, namely, African Traditional Religion (ATR), Islam and Christianity. The crux of this paper is on the areas of strength and similarities in the three religions which could foster development. Approaching this topic from within the African and African diasporic context, the nexus between the religions will be established. We will be historical in our interrogation of facts. By analysing the different historical sources and adherents of these religions, proper interpretation would be given to this topic using the interdisciplinary approach to historical writing. Conclusions would be drawn after careful examination of the facts which would clearly indicate that religion could aid sustainable development in more ways than one.


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2 October, 2020
How to Cite
Gobo, P. (2020). Rethinking Religion and Sustainable Development in Africa. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 2(1), 60-71.