Youth and Contemporary Cultures: Bible and African Youth’s Engagement with Technology

  • Margaret Aringo Tangaza University
Keywords: Africa, African Youth, Bible, Digital Cultures, Youth, Technology
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This research paper examines the intricate relationship between African youth, technology, and the Bible, highlighting the profound impact of contemporary digital cultures on the religious experiences and practices of young people in Africa. In an era characterized by unprecedented advancements in technology and rapid globalization, the intersection of faith and digital innovation emerged as a compelling subject of study. This research investigates the multifaceted ways in which African youth engage with the Bible through various technological mediums, such as smartphones, social media, and digital applications. The paper begins by contextualizing the religious landscape in Africa and the enduring significance of the Bible as a spiritual guide and cultural touchstone for diverse African communities. It then explores the evolving digital habits and preferences of African youth, showcasing the pivotal role of technology in shaping their daily lives. Through an extensive review of the literature, the study reveals how digital platforms have become dynamic spaces for religious expression, community building, and the dissemination of religious knowledge among African youth. Furthermore, the research examines the challenges and opportunities that arise from this intersection of faith and technology, including issues related to authenticity, interpretation, and religious authority. It also sheds light on the potential for digital technologies to bridge geographical and cultural divides, fostering a sense of global interconnectedness among African youth with shared religious beliefs. In conclusion, this study contributes to the understanding of the intricate dynamics between youth, contemporary cultures, the Bible, and technology in Africa. It underscores the need for nuanced perspectives on the impact of digitalization on religious practices and offers insights into how African youth navigate the complexities of faith and technology in their pursuit of spiritual meaning and identity within an evolving globalized world


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11 June, 2024
How to Cite
Aringo, M. (2024). Youth and Contemporary Cultures: Bible and African Youth’s Engagement with Technology. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 7(1), 55-62.