What Has Science to Do with Religion? A Looming Challenge of Traditional and Religious Practices on Curbing the Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya

  • Bernard Alwala Rongo University
Keywords: Science, Religion, Pandemic, COVID-19, Kenya, Coronavirus
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The association between religion and science is a theme of unceasing discussion in philosophy and theology and recently in politics and governance as experienced in Kenya. To what degree are religion and science (e.g., medicine) well-matched? Are religious beliefs occasionally helpful to science, or do they inexorably pose hindrances to scientific inquiry? Are we able to manage COVID-19 through religion, or medicine, or both medicine and prayer? The interdisciplinary field of science and religion, also called theology and science aims at answering these among other questions. The field studies ancient and current relations among these fields and offers philosophical examinations of how they correlate hence able to provide a holistic approach to combatting the corona-virus pandemic in Kenya. This paper provides an overview of the topic and discussions in science and religion, the role of spirituality/ religion in health, and how traditional and religious practices may contribute to the spread of Corona-virus. Section 1, outlines the scope of both fields, and how they intersect; section 2, focuses on health and spirituality and section 3 concludes by looking at the looming challenges that religion and culture may present to the scientific directives on the spread of COVID-19 and ends by proposing strategies on community-directed programs by the Ministry of Health.


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22 May, 2020
How to Cite
Alwala, B. (2020). What Has Science to Do with Religion? A Looming Challenge of Traditional and Religious Practices on Curbing the Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 2(1), 23-33. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajtcr.2.1.152