The Role of Personalism in Eradicating Linguistic Violence

  • Mark Omorovie Ikeke Delta State University
Keywords: Linguistic Violence, Through Critical, Hermeneutic, Analytic Methods, Philosophy, Personalism
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Human society is filled with violence. Violence happens not only as physical violence but also as linguistic violence. This has brought pain and torment not only to human bodies but also their minds and hearts. Linguistic violence is often ignored in society, yet it is a factor that has demeaned human personality, caused wars, genocides, xenophobic attacks, and so forth. Because of the negative consequences of linguistic violence, there is a need to raise awareness of it and how to conquer it. Through critical hermeneutic and analytic methods, the paper examined how linguistic violence can be ameliorated if not totally eradicated through the philosophy of personalism. The central argument of this paper is that the philosophy of personalism which emphasizes the value of the human person and decries all forms of degradation and devaluation of humanity can help in ending linguistic violence. It argues that the human person has absolute value and should not be treated as a thing or tool. One of the best ways to combat negative language is to promote a positive language. This can be achieved through the promotion of the ethical value of personalism. The paper finds that linguistic violence is taking place in Nigeria and there is a need to overcome it. The conclusion of the paper is that the philosophy of personalism can help in curbing linguistic violence. When this is done the entire attendant negative consequences associated with it will be overcome.


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26 April, 2021
How to Cite
Ikeke, M. (2021). The Role of Personalism in Eradicating Linguistic Violence. East African Journal of Law and Ethics, 3(1), 1-9.