The Cultural Role of Civil Societies and the National Parliament in the Domestic Enforcement of International Laws on Corruption in Tanzania

  • Rasel M. Madaha, PhD Sokoine University of Agriculture
Keywords: International Law, Corruption, Culture, Parliament, Civil Society
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Social structures composed of active and responsible actors can be essential in curbing corruption. However, studies focusing on culture and corruption, especially in Africa, are scant. This article has focused on the role of culture in influencing anti-corruption efforts and enforcing international law on corruption in Tanzania. Using ethnography, the paper responds to two questions: What is the cultural role of civil societies and the media in influencing the domestic enforcement of international law? Furthermore, what is the cultural role of the Tanzanian legislature in influencing the domestic enforcement of international law? A cultural study can only be conducted after some time. It calls for a longitudinal study that considers a local context. In this regard, a case study research design has been used. The technique can explore issues over a long period and examine context-specific issues. Overall, the study's findings highlight the development of a unique culture among civil societies, which prompts the Parliament to create and formalize anti-corruption measures. The paper adds to international law, corruption, and culture scholarship


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9 December, 2023
How to Cite
Madaha, R. (2023). The Cultural Role of Civil Societies and the National Parliament in the Domestic Enforcement of International Laws on Corruption in Tanzania. East African Journal of Law and Ethics, 6(1), 49-64.