Fire Blackbox Control for Public Marketing

  • Onesmo Chubwa Mbeya University of Science and Technology
  • Candida Mwisomba Mbeya University of Science and Technology
  • Curthbet Karawa Mbeya University of Science and Technology
  • Sospeter Salawa Mbeya University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Fire Safety, Public Marketing, Fire Black Box Control, Predictive Analytics, Temperature Sensor, Flame Sensor
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This paper presents the system for Fire Blackbox control in Public Marketing. When information is required following a fire incident, investigators or police might use the smart black box system to collect information. The black box system is used to continuously record, temperature, smoke, and other data. The information is then stored in a storage device. We are able to examine, track, and evaluate fire situations.  In this paper, we propose a novel concept termed "Fire Black Box Control" (FBBC) tailored specifically for public marketing spaces. FBBC integrates cutting-edge sensing technologies, data recording, and data analytics. We present a comprehensive framework for implementing FBBC, encompassing sensor deployment strategies, data processing techniques, decision-making algorithms, and performance evaluation methodologies. Through extensive simulations and analysis, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed FBC approach in mitigating fire risks and ensuring regulatory compliance in public marketing spaces


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8 July, 2024
How to Cite
Chubwa, O., Mwisomba, C., Karawa, C., & Salawa, S. (2024). Fire Blackbox Control for Public Marketing. East African Journal of Information Technology, 7(1), 160-166.

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