Organizational Support on Integration of Communication Technology in Classroom Learning in Kisumu National Polytechnic, Kenya

  • Henry Nyamogosa Kisumu National Polytechnic
  • Michael Murimi Alupe University
Keywords: Classroom Learning, Integration of Communication Technology, Stakeholder Involvement, Teacher Training, Resource Allocation
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This study investigates the impact of organizational support on integrating communication technology into classroom learning at Kisumu National Polytechnic.  In particular, the study aimed at determining the influence of training of trainers, stakeholder involvement, and resource availability on the integration of communication technology in classroom learning. The study employed a quantitative approach and correlational design and sampled 169 of the 301 trainers from KNP for the study. The study utilized a simple random sampling technique to obtain a sample size. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlational analysis were utilized to analyze the collected data. The study found that training of trainers, stakeholders’ involvement, and availability of resources influenced the integration of communication technology in classroom learning with training of trainers and stakeholders’ involvement registering an average mean of above 3.0 and availability of resources registering an average mean of 2.8. At the 5% significant level, the results revealed a strong positive correlation between teacher training (r = .423, p-value = 0.05). stakeholders involvement (r = 0.461*, p-value = 0.02); resource availability and integration of Technology communication in classroom learning (r = 0.347*, p-value = 0.03). The study therefore rejected the null hypothesis as there was an existing strong positive relationship between factors of organizational support and integration of technology communication in classroom learning KNP. The study findings provide vivid insights and recommendations to the management regarding the need to involve stakeholders, train trainers, and avail resources in integrating communication technology in the classroom


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2 July, 2024
How to Cite
Nyamogosa, H., & Murimi, M. (2024). Organizational Support on Integration of Communication Technology in Classroom Learning in Kisumu National Polytechnic, Kenya. East African Journal of Information Technology, 7(1), 135-148.