Leveraging Technology for Government Service Delivery: Suggestions for Securing the e-Citizen Service in Kenya

  • Lucy W. Maina, PhD Kenyatta University
  • Godfred Ohndyl Otieno International Peace Support Training Centre
Keywords: Information Security, e-Citizen, e-Governance, Service Delivery
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Governments across the world have increasingly embraced e-governance in the provision of public services. This development has significantly reduced bureaucracy, enhanced efficiency, reduced corruption and fundamentally transformed public service delivery. However, the adoption of these copyright technology solutions, owned by international corporations and non-state actors, mostly multinational corporations (MNCs), have equally exposed user governments, such as Kenya, to significant cyberspace security threats, service disruptions and exposed national security leading to interferences in national autonomy and at times threatened national sovereignty. The threats arise from the activities of offensive states, malicious non-state actors and individuals taking advantage of the integrated and dependent internet connectivity networks. This paper is an extract from a study conducted on Information Security Threats to e-Citizen services in Kenya. The research presents findings on the effectiveness of information security measures initiated to secure the e-Citizen services in Kenya.  The case study adopted a mixed method design combining cross-sectional and descriptive research design that targeted 12,000 respondents (users) from 51 Huduma Centres countrywide. Purposive sampling was applied to select 10 Huduma centres and 10% of respondents from each of the selected centres.  About 1,200 questionnaires were issued with a return rate of 80% which translates to 966 responses. The study applied both quantitative and qualitative techniques in analysis. The study identified 10 categories of security measures which are discussed in this paper categorized under legislation and policy; infrastructure and capacity development; protective action; monitoring and oversight.  From the findings, Kenya has implemented the measures of information security to a satisfactory level even though more is needed in terms of engaging the populace to enhance safe data use, handling and storage. In order to bolster a safe service delivery e-Citizen system, the study recommends locally modelled technological solutions, mutually beneficial cyber security collaborations, frequent infrastructure security audits, user capacity training and restructuring national security organs to create cyberspace manning capabilities. These sectoral changes will enhance preventive, defensive and offensive capabilities against arising cyberspace threats from geopolitical, technological, economic and security competition and rivalries among global nations, non-state actors and malicious individuals


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14 February, 2024
How to Cite
Maina, L., & Otieno, G. (2024). Leveraging Technology for Government Service Delivery: Suggestions for Securing the e-Citizen Service in Kenya. East African Journal of Information Technology, 7(1), 81-91. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajit.7.1.1757