Adoption of Human Resource Information Systems on Public Sectors in Tanzania

  • Mathew Mgendu Ngulugulu Tengeru Institute of Community Development
  • Evelyne George Rwela Tengeru Institute of Community Development
  • Noel Yoeza Mkwizu Tengeru Institute of Community Development
Keywords: Human Resources (HR), Information System (IS), Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Human Resource Management (HRM)
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Tanzania’s public sectors have begun to use Information Systems (IS) in various HR functions over the last fifteen years due to the increased use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Organisations are increasingly implementing Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) to ensure that their human resources are used efficiently (HR). The purpose of this study is to investigate the functions and practices of the adoption of human resource information systems in Tanzania’s public sectors. The study areas were drawn from eight districts in the Mwanza region with the case study design accompanied by a mixed method technique. The population were 75 employees who were drawn from eight districts, yielding a sample size of 63 respondents. A non-probability sampling technique, known as purposive was employed to get relevant information from Human Resource Offices, ICT Officers, and Head of Departments from a sample size. The study employed survey questionnaires and interviews as methods for primary data collection and the self-administered questionnaires with closed-ended, 5-level Likert scale and semi-structured interview questions formats were used as tools for primary data collection. The study employed Statistics Package for Social Science (SPSS) to analyse descriptive and inferential Quantitative data and Atlas.ti to analyse the Qualitative data. The results of the study findings revealed that HRIS has been useful in eight districts in the Mwanza region in the management of human resources functions and practices and the study recommended that all public sectors in Tanzania should adopt HRIS to reduce the cost of HR operations.


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28 April, 2023
How to Cite
Ngulugulu, M., Rwela, E., & Mkwizu, N. (2023). Adoption of Human Resource Information Systems on Public Sectors in Tanzania. East African Journal of Information Technology, 6(1), 66-76.