Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injury among Adult Inpatients at Kakamega County General Hospital, Kenya

  • Otieno Laban Sterly Makori Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
  • Rose Olayo, PhD Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
  • Edwin Kadima Wamukoya, PhD Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Adult inpatients, Hospital-acquired, Incidence, Pressure Injury
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A hospital-acquired pressure injury is a largely preventable adverse health event, which has remained high volume and high cost globally hence a significant concern in healthcare. This study used a prospective cohort model between April and July 2021 to determine the incidence of these injuries among adults at the Kakamega County General Hospital in Kenya, thus informing the need for scaled-up intervention strategies to eliminate these preventable harms on patients receiving care in line with international patients’ safety goal. Eighty participants above 18 years of age, systematically drawn from the male and female medical, surgical, and orthopaedic hospitalisation units, were followed up through their hospital stay for the development of pressure injury. Sociodemographic characteristics, units of hospitalisation, diagnosis and clinical variables were studied and outcomes were recorded, coded, and analysed on the statistical package for social sciences version 26. This study found an overall incidence rate of 15%, with men at 17.5% against women at 12.5%. The most affected site was the sacrum region accounting for 35.7% of all cases, with a mean day of occurrence at 5.58 days post-hospitalisation. This high incidence signifies pressure injury as a threat to healthcare quality, equity, and cost in Kakamega and Kenya. The Ministry of Heath should therefore adopt, customise, and implement the international guidelines on pressure injury to curb this menace. A multidisciplinary approach should be used, prioritising patients at increased risk and providing suitable prevention and treatment from the earliest opportunity


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8 November, 2022
How to Cite
Sterly Makori, O., Olayo, R., & Wamukoya, E. (2022). Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injury among Adult Inpatients at Kakamega County General Hospital, Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(2), 22-37.