Influence of Types of Sexual Reproductive Health Communication between Parents and Adolescents in Butere Sub-County

  • Jared Odaro Great Lakes University of Kisumu
  • Rosebella Onyango, PhD Great Lakes University of Kisumu
Keywords: Adolescents, Sexual Reproductive Health Communication, Sexuality, Parent-Adolescent Communication, Sexual Behaviour Practices
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Parents are perceived to be an attractive source of information for influencing adolescents’ SRH (Sexual Reproductive Health) knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour because parents are accessible and always willing sources of information for their adolescent children. Conversations between parents and adolescents about their sexuality in particular are often difficult for both parents and adolescents in Africa. Lack of consistent SRH communication between parents and adolescents has resulted in risky sexual behaviours. In western Kenya, specifically Butere Sub County, the divergence noted in contemporary adolescent sexual behaviour can be explained within the backdrop of collapsed traditional moral codes and mechanisms that controlled and checked sexual behaviour and dereliction of responsibilities by parents while other supportive family institutions (grandparents, uncles, and aunts) have become evanescent. The study sought to determine the influence of types of sexual reproductive health communication between parents and adolescents. This was an analytic cross-sectional study utilising mixed methods study design to collect data. A sample size of 284 participants was selected according to Mugenda and Mugenda; study participants were the parents of adolescents aged between ten to eighteen years of age and the adolescents themselves of the ages between ten to eighteen years old in Butere. Butere was purposively sampled as a place to carry out the study. Random sampling was used to select households with parents and adolescents to participate in the study. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered by the researcher to collect quantitative data from the respondents and analysed using descriptive statistics and presented in percentages. Qualitative data was also collected through FGDs and KIIs using FGD and interview guides; it was then analysed thematically and presented in the form of a narrative. Results in the study show how the types of sexual reproductive health communication used between parents and adolescents influence the SRH communication strategy between adolescents and parents in Butere Sub-County in Kakamega County


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19 October, 2022
How to Cite
Odaro, J., & Onyango, R. (2022). Influence of Types of Sexual Reproductive Health Communication between Parents and Adolescents in Butere Sub-County. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(2), 1-11.