Contribution of Capacity Building Program on Implementation Level of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Activities among Community Based Organizations in Western Kenya

  • Nancy Odero MIFA AFRICA
  • Charles Wafula, PhD Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development
  • Stephen Okeyo, PhD Great Lakes University of Kisumu
  • Henry Oyugi Great Lakes University of Kisumu
Keywords: Capacity Building, Community Based Organizations, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Activities, Sustainability of Youth Programs, Sexual Gender Based Violence
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This study describes a series of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) trainings and practicals received by Community Based Organizations (CBO) implemented in a three-year period from 2013-2015. The overall objective of this study was to determine the contribution of capacity building program among community-based organizations on implementation level of sexual reproductive health and rights activities in western Kenya. The analysis for this study focused on the description of trainings received where the proportions were expressed in percentages based on the participation of the CBOs in the trainings. The same proportions were used in determining the implementation levels of the SRHR activities by the CBOs within their respective communities. Capacity building program generally entailed careful planning that targeted the right people (youth involved) and build the right skills at the right time over three years’ period of time. Based on the findings, the trends of the capacity building were determined based on the rating scale of low 0-49 percent, above average 50-69 percent, high 70-79%, and highest 80-100% where most training fell in the high-level category with an average of 75%. The study also revealed that there was an association between most capacity building Programs and SRHR activities implementation, except for Community Health Volunteers (CHV) roles and Service delivery which were not associated at all with Community Action Days as an activity. In conclusion, the series of capacity building given to the CBOs from 2013-2015 proved to be a long-term strategy of improving health status more so among young people. A significant improvement in their level of understanding and implementation of SRHR activities to the youth by community was also demonstrated. One key recommendation for the sustainability of the youth programs was that youth SRHR programs should be enhanced and owned by the youth themselves.


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4 July, 2022
How to Cite
Odero, N., Wafula, C., Okeyo, S., & Oyugi, H. (2022). Contribution of Capacity Building Program on Implementation Level of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Activities among Community Based Organizations in Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 214-228.

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