The Health Status of the Population of Sellye District, a Disadvantaged Micro-Region, in the Light of Sociodemographic Factors- Literature Review

  • Judit Németh University of Pecs- Hungary
  • Gabriella Hideg, PhD University of Pecs– Hungary
Keywords: Health Inequalities, Disadvantage, Roma, Socio-Economic Situation
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Tackling health inequalities is a global goal also set by the WHO and is in the common interest of all societies. Keeping in mind the extremely close correlation between socio-economic status and health outcomes is of particular importance in planning health promotion and making health policy decisions. The research aimed at assessing the health status of the population of Sellye district, one of the most disadvantaged micro-regions according to available statistics, to examine the relationship between socio-economic status and health conditions, and to compare health status internationally with populations living in other disadvantaged regions. Research questions: How does the impact of sociodemographic factors on health prevail? Through what mechanisms does race/ethnicity affect health? Our present study is a literature review, the first stage of a comprehensive investigation, in which we examine the Hungarian and international literature. Health status is largely determined by sociodemographic characteristics, it is also influenced by the wider social, economic, political, and cultural environment. Health must always be considered in the context of the environment. Ethnicity is strongly connected to social class, but it can still be important in terms of social cohesion and the resources available to the Roma


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3 May, 2024
How to Cite
Németh, J., & Hideg, G. (2024). The Health Status of the Population of Sellye District, a Disadvantaged Micro-Region, in the Light of Sociodemographic Factors- Literature Review. East African Journal of Health and Science, 7(1), 257-267.