Understanding the Life and Challenges of Caregivers of Renal Patients Undergoing Dialysis in Kenya: A Qualitative Study

  • Stephen Ogweno University of Manchester
  • Kenedy Anjejo University of Nairobi
  • Kevin Oduor University of Manchester
Keywords: Caregiving, Renal Patients, Dialysis, Chronic Kidney Disease, Mental Health Challenges
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The research investigated the multifaceted challenges faced by caregivers of renal patients undergoing dialysis in Kenya, aiming to understand the impact on daily routines, socioeconomic factors, and mental health. Structured interviews were conducted with 32 caregivers (interview conducted till saturation with a target sample size of 59), predominantly spouses and children, revealing a complex web of responsibilities and hardships. The majority of caregivers assumed their roles due to a lack of alternatives, either being the sole available family member or chosen by others. While some experienced disruptions in daily routines, including changes in work schedules and sleep patterns, others adapted by delegating tasks or using financial resources. Caregivers often mirrored the dietary needs of patients, though this posed economic challenges and altered their own eating habits. Economically, caregivers faced heightened living costs attributed to dietary changes, medication expenses, and increased dialysis sessions. The study uncovers a significant decline in the quality of life for caregivers, with financial strains and altered sleep patterns contributing to their overall well-being. Mental health challenges were pervasive, with stress, emotional exhaustion, and even suicidal ideation reported. Caregivers expressed fears of abrupt health deterioration in patients and felt unsupported by medical facilities. The study concludes that caregivers draw motivation from relationships with patients, emphasising the need for comprehensive support mechanisms. The study recommended enhanced support programs, expanded health insurance coverage, and dedicated mental health support and education. These initiatives aim to alleviate the economic burden, improve the affordability of caregiving, and enhance caregivers' mental well-being. Implementing these recommendations ensures caregivers receive the necessary support to navigate their challenging roles effectively, benefiting both caregivers and renal patients


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19 December, 2023
How to Cite
Ogweno, S., Anjejo, K., & Oduor, K. (2023). Understanding the Life and Challenges of Caregivers of Renal Patients Undergoing Dialysis in Kenya: A Qualitative Study. East African Journal of Health and Science, 6(2), 42-65. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajhs.6.2.1640