Administrative Decentralisation and Health Service Delivery in Ibanda District Local Government, Uganda

  • Happy Herbert Mayanja Teams University
  • Doreen Akunda Teams University


While research on public service delivery in the Ibanda administrative area is abundant, there is a notable dearth of studies addressing the shortcomings in public health services. This investigation is specifically concerned with examining the influence of governance on the quality and accessibility of public health services in Ibanda District, as well as the impact of administrative decentralization on these services. A cross-sectional research design was employed for this study, involving data collection from 574 participants through self-administered surveys and interviews. Quantitative data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, while qualitative data underwent content analysis. The study's findings and conclusions reveal a positive correlation between governance and the quality of public health services, as well as a favorable association between governance management and these services. Additionally, administrative management was found to have a positive impact on public health services. Consequently, the study offers recommendations for the central government, urging consistent vigilance in supporting district performance and allocating adequate resources for drug distribution and medical equipment to bolster healthcare within the district. Furthermore, the study advocates for a continued emphasis on effective administration, encouraging public involvement in decision-making processes, open communication through public hearings, and grassroots participation in financial planning, all aimed at enhancing public health services. In conclusion, this study underscores the need for greater attention to public health services within the Ibanda administrative area, as it contributes to the existing body of research on public service delivery


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24 October, 2023