Mental Health Ingenuities and the Role of Computer Technology on Employees' Mental Health: A Systematic Review

  • Ann Gaceri Kaaria, PhD Kiriri Women's University of Science and Technology
  • Selerina Samba Mwaruta, PhD Machakos University
Keywords: Mental Health Ingenuities, Computer Technology, Employee Mental Health
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Upholding and protecting sustainable competitive advantages is crucial to achieving firms'/enterprises' goals in today's overburdened, erratic, and fast-paced global work environment. Business stakeholders place a high value on actions that help employees achieve their own goals as well as those of the company in the modern, thriving business/work ecosystem. The general objective of this study was to examine the relationship between mental health ingenuities, computer technology and employee mental health. The specific objectives to examine the relationship between counselling, computer technology, and the mental health of employees, to determine the relationship between mental health promotion, computer technology and the mental health of employees as well as to assess the relationship between stress management, computer technology, and mental health of employees and to assess the relationship between work-life balance, computer technology, and mental health of employees. The anchor theory of the study was the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model with a focus on computer application in the management of mental health initiatives at the workplace. The study employed a systematic review of the literature. The findings from the systematic review depicted that internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) interventions have shown effectiveness in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression among employees, indicating their potential as a form of computer-based counselling. In addition, Web-based psychotherapy interventions have been effective in reducing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among employees who have experienced trauma. Moreover, it was found that Internet and computer-based self-help interventions have demonstrated positive outcomes in reducing depressive symptoms and improving coping skills among employees. Computer-based counselling, delivered through mobile apps or internet-based platforms, has shown promise in improving mental health outcomes, including reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress among employees. It was recommended that HR managers should raise awareness among employees about the availability and benefits of work-stress management apps. They can conduct informational sessions, share success stories, and provide resources to educate employees about the app's features and how it can help in stress management. Organizations should also provide a range of technological resources, such as meditation or relaxation apps, stress-tracking apps, virtual wellness programs, or online counselling platforms. By offering a diverse selection, employees can choose the tools that resonate best with their personal preferences and needs.


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11 July, 2023
How to Cite
Kaaria, A., & Mwaruta, S. (2023). Mental Health Ingenuities and the Role of Computer Technology on Employees’ Mental Health: A Systematic Review. East African Journal of Health and Science, 6(1), 219-231.