Dynamics of Red Blood Cell Indices among Donor Samples in Kisii County, Western Kenya

  • Chrisphine Momanyi Kisii University
  • Stanslaus Kiilu Musyoki, PhD Kisii University
  • Benson Nyanchongi, PhD Kisii University
Keywords: Red Cell Indices, Temperature, Storage Time, Donor Samples, Kisii County, Western Kenya
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Blood specimens are used to study the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of blood diseases that includes research purposes. The primary health care worldwide calls for ideal systems that can provide accurate results but it is challenging to analyse the samples immediately. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to determine the changes in the red cell indices when stored at room temperatures. To accept such samples that have delayed after collections for some time as from zero (0) hours, at 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours requires testing and confirming the results validations. Therefore, this research analysed samples of blood to validate the results after storage at room temperature in different hours within 48 hours of storage at room temperature. Samples collected from donors aged 16-65 years at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital in Kisii County, Western Kenya were tested in this study. The technique of Flow cytometry was used to analyse results of blood obtained through Venepuncture procedure from donors and placed in 4 ml Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic (EDTA) Vacutainer tubes of standardised anticoagulant ratio. A cross-sectional study with laboratory experiment was employed to analyse the data between the month of April and August 2018. Percentile male and female blood samples were analysed at 48% and 52% respectively. The analytes of obtained were used to determine the two red blood cell parameters in controlled room temperature within 48 hours on Packed Cell Volume (PCV) and Total Red Cell counts. Statistical analysis with computerized applications package (SPSS, version 21.0) was used to determine the changes that occurred during the study with repeated Analysis of Variation (ANOVA). Comparative mean values were calculated for each blood samples. The results were insignificant at sixth and twelfth hours of storage for most indices except from the RBC total counts, which had a deviation between 6-48 hours. In conclusion blood sample analysis is safe for tests results up 12 hours of storage at room temperature when not tested immediately after collection. This study recommends further finds for Reticulocytes Production Index to assess bone marrow activities.


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28 March, 2020
How to Cite
Momanyi, C., Musyoki, S., & Nyanchongi, B. (2020). Dynamics of Red Blood Cell Indices among Donor Samples in Kisii County, Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 2(1), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajhs.2.1.126