Review of Plant Water Status Measurement Techniques

  • Melkamu Terefe Asmare Ethiopian Forest Development
Keywords: Dry Method, Leaf Temperature, Pressure Chamber, Plant Leaf Welt, Water Content, Thermocouple Psychrometer, Transpiration, Stem Diameter, Stomata Conductance
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The growth of the plant largely depends on the available water and soil. Soil supports the plant in mechanical ways and acts as a nutrient reservoir for its growth. Not only for plants but also for all living things, water plays a significant role in the life process. For a tree grower, knowing the relationship and techniques of measurement of plant, soil, and water help to improve their management system as well as the efficiency of crop production in a given area. Besides, it helps to know the relative water status of planted tree species. Therefore, this paper provides general information about seven plant water status measurements.


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20 September, 2022
How to Cite
Asmare, M. (2022). Review of Plant Water Status Measurement Techniques. East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, 5(1), 213-221.