Higher Plant Conservation Across a Gradient of Increasing Agroecosystems Management Intensity in Western Ethiopia

  • Ebisa Likassa, PhD Wollega University
  • Tamrat Bekele, PhD Addis Ababa University
  • Sileshi Nemomissa, PhD Addis Ababa University
Keywords: Coffee Systems, Management Intensity, Plant Conservation, Population Structure, Species Diversity
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Human mismanagement of natural forests caused the great loss of ecosystem services because of conversion into modified landscapes. On the other hand, agroecosystems are playing vital role in terms of retaining and conserving certain perennial plants in addition to the small fauna. The main objective of this study is to assess the diversity of woody species and vegetation structure in three coffee systems across an increasing farmers’ management intensity in selected research areas of Western Wollega, Ethiopia. A total of 72 samples (24 per each management systems) were purposively selected from three districts based on the dominant coffee production system and the level of coffee production, which supposed to affect the diversity of tree species for collecting data on woody species.  Plant specimens were collected following standard herbarium technique and identified in the field and at national herbarium. A total of 50 woody species were identified. The nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination and Sorensen distance-based ordination demonstrated that plots of the same coffee system were almost maintained similar species composition and abundance. Diversity of woody species was significantly different among the coffee management systems (P <.0001). Similarly, some of the structural parameters like density, basal area, and shade significantly reduced along the increased coffee management intensity. The study found evidence that the intensification of coffee management was not always the source of biodiversity loss; rather, it is an opportunity for conservation of the locally threatened higher plants. Incorporation of coffee shrubs in the degraded lands or remnant forest patches, integrating coffee in the massive afforestation can be used as an alternative strategy for overstorey plant conservation.


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23 March, 2022
How to Cite
Likassa, E., Bekele, T., & Nemomissa, S. (2022). Higher Plant Conservation Across a Gradient of Increasing Agroecosystems Management Intensity in Western Ethiopia. East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, 5(1), 32-48. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajfa.5.1.589