Distribution, Diversity and Role of the Trees outside Forest in the Mount Kenya East Region

  • Nyaga David Mwenda University of Nairobi
  • Catherine Lukhoba University of Nairobi
  • Gilbert Ouma Chuka University
Keywords: Ecosystem Services, Trees Outside Forest, Indigenous Species, Climate Change, Tree Diversity
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Globally, Trees outside the Forests (TOF) are essential for providing a range of ecosystem services, which lessens the demand placed on protected forests. However, the majority of native tree species outside the forests are in danger of destruction because of the effects of climate change and the increased human population in the Sahel Africa. One of the ecosystems with TOF that has experienced extensive changes due to anthropogenic disturbance is Mount Kenya East Region. The objectives of this study were to establish: The diversity and distribution of native TOF, the drivers of change in TOF cover and the role of TOF in supporting the local livelihoods. This study used a mixed technique approach that included questionnaires, interviews, PGIS, and ecological surveys. SPSS was used to analyse the data. A total of 2145 individual trees distributed in 102 species were identified in the study area with 36% of the individuals being native while 64% were exotic. Additionally, 16 of the native tree species including Pachystela brevipes, Carissa spinarum L., Faurea saligna, Delonix electa and Vitex doneana among others, previously known to the area, had disappeared, resulting in a broad loss of ecosystem functions. Across the altitudinal gradient, the perceptions of the respondents on the loss of ecosystem services were variable. Herbicide use on farms, industrial firewood, agricultural diversification, and shifting cultural values were cited as the primary causes of the change in TOF cover in the study area. The surviving native TOF were found in public institutions, road reserves, riverine and protected places and on farms. In conclusion, there is an urgent need to continually protect the remnants of indigenous TOF because the region will lose some ecosystem services exclusively obtained from native species if the business as usual is continued


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30 June, 2024
How to Cite
Mwenda, N., Lukhoba, C., & Ouma, G. (2024). Distribution, Diversity and Role of the Trees outside Forest in the Mount Kenya East Region. East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, 7(1), 252-267. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajfa.7.1.2010