Comparative Carbon Stock Potential of Indigenous Agroforestry Systems in Silte Wereda, Southern Ethiopia

  • Mihert Semere Ethiopian Forestry Development
  • Chala Tadesse Ethiopian Forestry Development
  • Tesemash Abebe Ethiopian Forestry Development
  • Abirham Cherinet Ethiopian Forest Development
  • Marta Gebreyesus Ethiopian Forestry Development


Agroforestry system (AFS) is described as one of the promising mitigation options for climate change through its high carbon sequestration capacity. This study was conducted in Silite District; Southern Ethiopia to assess the unaccounted carbon stock potential of selected traditional agroforestry systems. The study assessed the carbon stock potential of AFS biomass and soil carbon pools. Biomass and soil samples were taken from temporary plots laid for this study, 20 × 20 m for home garden, 50 × 100 m for parkland, and 10 × 10 m for woodlot AFS. Height (H) and diameter at breast height (DBH) were taken from the sample plots to estimate biomass carbon. Litter, herb, and grass samples were collected from 1 m2 quadrant within the main plot. The findings show that the total biomass carbon ranged from (1.28-7 Mg ha -1) though there was no significant difference among the systems and higher biomass carbon was attributed by parkland AFS while the lowest was woodlot. A significantly higher amount of SOC was recorded in home garden AFS along the two depths (82.5 Mg ha -1) than the other two systems and the lowest was attributed to parkland (41.7 Mg ha -1). Therefore, this traditional AFS should be supported for their contributions in climate change mitigation schemes as they can sequester a reasonable amount of carbon


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22 April, 2024