Can On-Farm Wood Meet the Global Wood Supply and Save Tropical Forests? A Systematic Review

  • Jane M. Mutune University of Nairobi
  • Peter A. Minang World Agroforestry Centre
  • Lalisa Duguma World Agroforestry Centre
  • Priscilla Wainaina World Agroforestry Centre
Keywords: Tropical Forest, On-Farm Trees, Wood Supply, Restoration, Wood Demand
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Global wood supply is faced with an annual escalating scarcity threat by population growth and increased wood demand. Natural forests, a chief source of wood, are under pressure from massive deforestation and degradation, whereas plantation forests are faced with challenges of land tenure and competition from other land uses. This systematic review aimed to point out the contribution of on-farm trees to global wood supply and tropical forest conservation. The study adopted the Sample-Phenomenon of Interest-Design-Evaluation-Research type framework to identify relevant literature. Both grey and peer-reviewed publications were considered. Of the 3800 publications identified, 42 substantially met the inclusion criteria and were selected for data extraction. A huge imbalance was evident in the wood supply and demand that forest production could not satisfy alone. On-farm trees were observed to be a significant alternative source of wood supply in South Africa, India, and Kenya, supplying 27, 36, and 70 per cent of total apparent consumption, respectively. Where importation reliance was low and a low forest production rate, on-farm trees contributed more than 50% of the total apparent consumption. China had a high reliance on importation. On-farm trees contributed at least a supply of 8% of total apparent consumption. On-farm trees were the chief source of wood fuel. On-farm trees contribute substantially to the supply chain of industrial roundwood, woodfuel, and sawn wood, reducing the need to infiltrate the forests. Where the full potential of on-farm trees is inadequately exploited, on-farm trees can sustainably contribute to the wood supply chain and save tropical forests


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10 February, 2024
How to Cite
Mutune, J., Minang, P., Duguma, L., & Wainaina, P. (2024). Can On-Farm Wood Meet the Global Wood Supply and Save Tropical Forests? A Systematic Review. East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, 7(1), 1-18.