Effect of Tapping on Gum and Incense Yield of Selected Trees Species in Elwaye and Dhas Districts, Borana Zone, Southern Oromia

  • Siraj Kelil Oromia Agricultural Research Institute
  • Sisay Taye Oromia Agricultural Research Institute
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajfa.6.1.1334


Ethiopia is one of the Gum and Resin producing countries with a large potential. Borana pastoralists particularly utilised these resources as a source of revenue. The majority of Ethiopia’s gum-resin products are collected from natural oozing. In southern Ethiopia, improved tapping mechanisms are uncommon. This study was conducted to determine the effect of different tapping machines and tapping at different tree diameter classes on the gum and incense yields of selected tree species. Commiphora corrugata, Boswellia microphylla, and Boswellia neglecta tree species were selected for their potential existence and economic importance. A factorial experiment was arranged in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) in which three types of tapping materials including natural oozing and three levels of tree size (diameter classes) were used. Accordingly, materials (Panga, Axe, Sonki, and control) were applied at diameters of (5-8 cm, 8.1-11 cm and >11 cm) for a tree height below DBH (at < 130 cm) and above DBH (at >130 cm) on selected tree species while natural oozing was remained untapped and used as controls. Accordingly, the highest mean yield was recorded for trees tapped by axe (5.99 g/tree), followed by Sonki (5.01 g/tree) and bigger diameter class >11 cm (7.10 g/tree) for Commiphora corrugata. The highest mean yield was also obtained for trees tapped by axe (10.76 g/tree) in the first year and (43.71 g/tree) in the second year and bigger diameter class >11 cm (15.16 g/tree) in the first year and (47.81 g/tree) in the second year for Boswellia microphylla. Moreover, the highest mean yield was recorded for naturally oozing trees (6.16 g/tree) and bigger diameter class >11 cm (6.33 g/tree) for Boswellia neglecta. Tapped trees generally provided significantly higher yields than untapped or control trees, and frankincense yield increased with increasing tree size




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27 July, 2023