Does Tenure Matters? Assessment of Stand Parameters in Ngitili Management System in Meatu District Tanzania

  • Bernardol John Manyanda, PhD Sokoine University of Agriculture
Keywords: Ngitili, Private And Communal Tenure, Stand Structure, Species Diversity, HASHI
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Despite the fact that forests in Ngitili are managed under private and communal tenure regimes, few studies exists that shows how those tenure regimes have influenced forest conditions. The present study assessed stand structure, i.e., diameter and species distribution, basal area, density, and volume in the Ngitili management system under private and communal tenure regimes. A systematic random sampling approach was used to establish circular plots measuring 15 m radius across three Ngitili selected in the study area in which data were collected. R software was used to analyze the collected data sets. Results show that the number of stems (N) basal area (G) and volume (V) per hectare was 3 197.67 stems/ha, 6.92 m2/ha and 36.04 m3, respectively under the private tenure regime. Additionally, N, G and V varied from 572.99 - 1213.73 stems/ha, 5.22 - 6.67 m2/ha and 16.67 - 18.06 m3, respectively in the communal tenure regime. However, diameter distribution of 10 – 20 cm and below 10 cm contributed more to the observed V and N, respectively both in the private and communal tenure regime. Interestingly, diameter distributions showed a negative exponential function of De Liocourt i.e. Inverse J shaped indicating normal trend in an unevenly aged natural forest. On the other hand, the study revealed the Shannon-Wiener diversity Index ranging from 0.99 – 1.88 in communal Ngitili and 1.90 in private Ngitili indicating low species diversity. Generally, N and V in Ngitili under the private tenure regime were better than under the communal tenure regime. However, no significant difference in basal area and tree species diversity was observed between private and communal tenure regimes in Ngitili management systems. The findings presented here can be used in planning the future restoration of degraded ecosystems and for forest management.


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14 February, 2023
How to Cite
Manyanda, B. (2023). Does Tenure Matters? Assessment of Stand Parameters in Ngitili Management System in Meatu District Tanzania. East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, 6(1), 71-83.