Assessment of Runoff and Soil Loss Under Natural Vegetation Cover and Rainfall in a Semi-Arid Catchment, West Pokot County, Kenya

  • Emmanuel Bukoma Kenyatta University
  • Joy Obando, PhD Kenyatta University
  • Shadrack Murimi, PhD Kenyatta University


Soil erosion has become a major cause of land degradation with regrettable economic losses. It has affected livelihoods of many agro-pastoral communities in Arid and Semi-arid Lands (ASALs). There is need for continuous assessment of soil erosion in these areas in order to provide sufficient data on soil loss for soil resource management, conservation, and land use planning. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of soil loss by water for soil conservation planning in West Pokot County, Kenya. Two adjacent fields with variable vegetation cover density were identified in a semi-arid catchment for runoff plot research. Vegetation cover on the fields was measured using the transect line-intercept survey method. Field 1 had 25–50% vegetation cover while field 2 had 50–75% vegetation cover. On each field, three identical erosion plots with dimensions 20 m along the slope and 10 m wide were constructed. Runoff and sediment from the plots were measured for fifteen rainfall-runoff events during the long rains season. Data was analysed using correlation analysis and linear regression methods. The results show that runoff production varied from 1.03% to 1.44% of total rain water. Soil loss from the plots was 120.3–155.5 g/ . Runoff-rainfall correlation analysis showed a significant positive relationship (r =0.9609, P<0.05%) with 92.33% variance in runoff production. Soil loss had significant positive relationship with runoff (r =0.9840, P<0.05%) with 96.83% variance in soil loss. The study found that runoff production and soil loss was slow in the field with dense vegetation cover. Studies project an increase in human and livestock populations in semi-arid areas. This points at possible decrease in vegetation cover and increase in the rate of soil loss by water. The study recommends development of a soil conservation and management strategy in the study area.




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11 May, 2022