Dimensions of Urban Park Use in Nairobi County in Kenya

  • Mathias Loki Mutisya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Keywords: Urban Parks, Park Use, Green Spaces, Dimensions, Park Users
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Urban parks play an integral part in the social, economic, and environmental wellbeing of the society they serve. Apart from their aesthetic value, they are a source of income, help in the purification of air, as well as being set for both passive and active recreation for improved health. Through research and case studies, it has been established that some of these parks either sometimes fail to serve their intended purpose while others fail in some aspects. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the general usage of the six gazetted urban parks in Nairobi County. Through the review of relevant literature, visitation trends, location, diversity of activities, gender, and duration of stay were found to be key determinants of the way the parks are used. A sample size of 243 convex spaces, was used for the study. Interviews and observation methods were used to gather relevant information on the use of the park spaces while data collection tools used included observation schedules, checklists, and photography. Thereafter, descriptive and correlation methods were used in the collected data analysis. The study found out that majority of urban park users were male and mostly those self-employed or jobless. The frequency of park visits was greatly affected by lack of time to visit and understanding of various benefits associated with park visits. Visitors preferred visiting with friends or in groups and stated relaxation as the main reason for visiting the parks


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26 October, 2021
How to Cite
Mutisya, M. (2021). Dimensions of Urban Park Use in Nairobi County in Kenya. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 4(1), 15-24. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.4.1.448