Environmental Conservation, A Factor for Promoting Tourism Industry in Rwanda: A Case Study of Rubavu District.

  • Callixte Kabera, PhD University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies Rwanda
  • Emmy Tushabe, PhD University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies Rwanda
Keywords: Conservation, Environment, Tourism, Promotion, Rubavu District, Rwanda
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This study sought to examine the contribution of environmental conservation in promoting the tourism industry in Rwanda, the Case study of the Rubavu District using a mixed research design of quantitative and qualitative techniques. The study established that environmental conservation increases the number of tourists that would be hosted in the area; encourages repeat visits of tourists; increases the satisfaction of tourists and attracts new tourists and retains existing ones in the area. However, it experiences some challenges that include, air and water pollution, availability of different rubbish, population growth, and deforestation. These become constraints to environmental conservation and the tourism industry development in Rubavu District. On the other hand, taking preventive measures against air and water pollution, limiting overpopulation, avoiding deforestation and minimizing rubbish have worked to mitigate against the challenges. The study concludes that environmental conservation has played a vital role in promoting the tourism industry in Rwanda. The study recommends that the government of Rwanda in collaboration with the administration of Rubavu District should minimize rubbish by deploying responsible rubbish disposal methods and providing rubbish bins near roads. This will promote cleaner spaces with less environmental stress


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11 August, 2021
How to Cite
Kabera, C., & Tushabe, E. (2021). Environmental Conservation, A Factor for Promoting Tourism Industry in Rwanda: A Case Study of Rubavu District. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 3(1), 108-118. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.3.1.381