Effectiveness of Speed Cameras on the Prevention of Road Traffic Collisions and Casualties in Cameroon

  • Apongnwu W. Awamachi National Advanced School of Public Works
  • Mbu D. Tambi University of Bamenda
  • Nkeng G. Elambo National Advanced School of Public Works
Keywords: Speed Cameras, Road Traffic Collisions, Road Traffic Casualties, Cameroon, Road Safety, Accident Prevention
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Issues related to transport collision and casualties cannot be undermined as it has a direct effect on human health and death, hence relevant policies are required to reduce road traffic accidents. Our study discussed the factors influencing the use of speed cameras by drivers in Cameroon, the study investigated the effects of speed cameras on the prevention of road traffic collisions and casualties in Cameroon and determined the actual problems faced by drivers in the use of speed cameras in Cameroon. Methodologically, the study applied the probit technique to estimate the result via primary data. The sample size consisted of 200 drivers collected through a well-structured questionnaire distributed among the drivers plying the Yaoundé-Douala, Douala-Bafoussam, and Bafoussam-Yaoundé major highways. The key findings revealed a significant link between the factors influencing drivers' use of speed cameras and their impact on road safety. These factors included main occupation, level of education, marital status, age, and prior involvement in traffic incidents. Notably, the study found that an increased presence of speed cameras led to a substantial reduction in road traffic collisions by 41.4% and road traffic casualties by 6.9%. This emphasized the crucial role of speed cameras in effectively mitigating road accidents and their resulting injuries in Cameroon. Alongside this, it highlighted the practical challenges associated with speed camera implementation, such as inadequate awareness, abrupt speed changes, signage issues, limited visibility, technical constraints, and privacy concerns. These findings collectively underscored the need for comprehensive strategies to address both the behavioural and infrastructural aspects of road safety to ensure the effective use of speed cameras for accident prevention in Cameroon. The study suggests that decision-makers in the transport sector should multiply the provision of speed cameras. This is a wise step in the prevention of road traffic collisions and casualties in Cameroon and a better labour market


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13 June, 2024
How to Cite
Awamachi, A., Tambi, M., & Elambo, N. (2024). Effectiveness of Speed Cameras on the Prevention of Road Traffic Collisions and Casualties in Cameroon. East African Journal of Engineering, 7(1), 170-186. https://doi.org/10.37284/eaje.7.1.1990